Wonder at the Reality of Commonplace Days


I wonder how many blessings, how much hidden beauty lies within those parts of my day and life that I cast aside as worthless weeds or am too busy and distracted to glance at.

I long to slow down and attend long enough to truly see. 

Wonder at reality requires the humility to kneel before a dandelion.

– Fr. Dubay, The Existential Power of Beauty

"Wonder at reality requires the humility to kneel before a dandelion" - Fr. Dubay

Humility is a prerequisite for wondering at the reality of commonplace days; and so, we begin here, with the recognition of our own shortsightedness.

St. Augustine’s restless heart cried out the prayer that captures the deepest longing of my soul better than any other.

Late have I loved you, Beauty so ancient and so new,

late have I loved you…

You called, shouted, broke through my deafness;
you flared, blazed, banished my blindness;…

and now I hunger and thirst [for You].”

-St. Augustine

I am embarking on a quest to put to flight my blindness, an intensive training in what it means to truly SEE, to cultivate the capacity to behold beauty.

Could you use a crash course in cultivating eyes that truly see?


I know I could because “Beholding Beauty”, it’s what I long for.

I have been reading, studying and praying about this for years.  A series of posts born out of my own heart’s ache to see Jesus in all things is being developed now.  All of the links to lessons and reflections in this self-led course will be right here in one place for easy access as they become available.  

( In the meantime here is an sneak-peek our syllabus )

Beholding Beauty:

a self-led course to cultivate eyes that truly see

  • Beautiful Beginnings {An Introduction}

  • Awakening Awe

  • Banishing Blindness

    • Impediments to Sight

  • Cultivating Clarity

  • Wondering at Reality

  • Reclaiming Radiance

Good things are in store and I can’t wait to share them with you!



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