Hello there, I’m Alison and I’d like to welcome you to my commonplace.  

Pour yourself a cup of something warm to drink and let’s get acquainted.


I am a Catholic Christian, head-over-heels in love with Christ in His Church and continually inspired by the lives and words of the Saints.

I’m a former missionary turned homemaker, wife to a naturopathic medical doctor, mother to four young children under my roof (both through birth and adoption) and four sweet souls in heaven (due to miscarriage).  I am a classical homeschooler, artist, speaker and writer living in the gorgeous Sonoran Desert.

For those interested in such things, I am a classic ENFP when it comes to Meyers Briggs personality types.  I love deep, meaningful conversation but struggle with small talk. I have incredibly high ideals but fail daily at living them.

These are my people.  They are pretty wonderful.  I am blessed.

Keeping Commonplace - My Family
Photo Credit: Julie Griffin Photography LLC


I strive to be a life-long learner and am usually reading half a dozen books at a time, taking copious notes in the margins, and hand lettering them out long in my commonplace book when I should be sleeping.  I drink way too much coffee (which may be related to the reading instead of sleeping habit), am a podcast addict and could talk about beauty and books all day long.

I get pretty passionate about the power of words to transform and inspire.

My husband jokes that he has never met anyone else who loves words the way that I do.  As much as what is actually being said, I delight in how it is being said.  A lovely turn of phrase, an epic sentence, the perfection of a “just right” word marking a line of poetry, these are the things that thrill me.

That’s me.

Now it’s your turn!

I would love to get to know you as well and look forward to spending some time with you here.  I hope you will speak up in the comments, introduce yourself, and join in the conversation.

My hope is that Keeping Commonplace will be much more than quoting words on a page but a heartfelt celebration of the seemingly ordinary all around us.  Each person brings a unique perspective so that there is so much more commonplace beauty to behold when we are seeking in community.

So whether you are a fellow bibliophile or rarely crack the cover of a book, this place is for you!  Keeping Commonplace is better together.  I am so happy you came.

Here is to the beginning of a beautiful friendship,



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